Sunday, February 10, 2008

Too Real???

I had two people comment on my blog today. That's approximately two more than the normal number of comments I get and whats strange is that they were both the same comment.

"I enjoy reading your blog. Even though it's public domain, I feel funny about reading it, until now, when I'm revealing to you that I read it."

I don't hide my blog, and most people that know me know that I'm an open person. I'm trying to remember now if there is very much incriminating evidence in previous posts? Hmmmm? maybe I should go back and read. I don't think so though. Its true I speak honestly and maybe more honestly than some people are willing to do. My goal in life, not just in a blog is transparency. I want to be clear and straight forward in every area of my life. For such a long time I was one guy with friends, another at work, another with family, and another with women. Its much simpler to be one person in every area. The only trick is knowing who that person is. That is after all part of the thrust of this blog, I know Jeremy.

So, dear readers, all three and a half of you, please don't feel worried that you're reading things that aren't appropriate for you. I may speak personally here, but none of it is a secret.


Esser Agaroth said...

B"H I knew that. I was just saying..., you know announcing myself, so that I wouldn't be a lurker (which I am on other blogs). ;-)

Nya-ha-ha-ha (evil laugh)

Diego Melamed said...

OK so I will continue reading about your life