Friday, November 9, 2007

Funny theatre

Amy and i went to see ratatouille ( i'll tell you later if i liked it because it hasn't started yet) and the theatre was really small and creepy. It has like ten rows with only five seats across and its like watching a big screen tv. The two and a half foot tall emergency exit was the funniest part of the whole thing. Amy says the room is like being in a weird spaceship.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Inspired by others

I just read an amazing interview with the guy that invented the Grameen bank. It is a micro-lending institution that has one goal. Help poor people get ahead by lending them small amounts of money for omey making endeavors. It was started by an economics professor in Bangladesh and today they currently lend to more than 7 million people, 97% of whom are women.
This is a truly inspirational story about how as individuals we can really make the world a better place.
You can read the whole interview here.

"Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb."
Sir Winston Churchill

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ugly Mickey

This is a Jeremy blog entry that just points to the great contributions on the www. Its nice to see that people can use their talents for something positive. Like on this funny website I found that lets people contribute their ugly renditions of Mickey Mouse.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

So angry

I just watched the new Micahel Moore movie, "sicko," and it evoked such a strong reaction in me. I guess he's good at what he does. I knew as i was watching it that he was spinning things to make his point, but in this case he was preaching to the choir. For those that don't know, this film is about the state of the health care system in the US and he makes his best case for a nationalized health care system by comparing the US to the UK, France, Canada and even 3rd world Cuba.
It just made me so angry to know that so many suffer such hardships mostly around lacking access to care just because of money. Its one thing if poor people in a poor country that lacks supplies and medicine all together are suffering, that is something tragic in its own right, but to see working class families that have an income but can't get the very care that is in their neighborhood because of insurance problems seems inhumane. Every doctor makes an oath to help all patients yet in the US they are prevented from fulfilling that oath because of questions of money. It really seems like the worst kind of perversion of a profession that is supposed to be so noble.

I live in a country with nationalized health care. It has its ups and downs, but it works and everyone has it. I am currently saving over $3600 per year in health care costs. Even more important than the money, my conscience feels good knowing that everyone can get care when they need it and that some insurance company can't kick someone off their policy because they couldn't make payments or they didn't list a pre-existing condition.

I wrote to my congressmen, and the presidential candidates telling them that I want this issue addressed. i consider it to be a moral issue, not a political one.