Sunday, October 28, 2007

New student

Yesterday Amy (the girl) and I went surfing. She has been wanting to learn how to surf so I started to teach her. It is amazing to teach people things. I love to learn new things, especially things that are very different from something I've ever done before. I really enjoyed being part of that process with someone else. Learning to surf is not easy and can be very frustrating. It is physically exhausting and a beginner often feels so weak and inefficient before something so massive and unforgiving. Still, Amy did great. Yes, she go tossed around like a small mouse under the paw of large cat, but she came up out of the water, hair in her face, mouth and nose full of salt water, and still managed a smile (most of the time). We were sharing my board and when she got tired I would paddle out and ride a few waves in and then give the board back over. She would want to know how I made it look so easy and I just promised her that by sticking with it what seems so foreign and uncomfortable now, will gradually become part of her catalog of abilities like typing, yoga, or playing the flute.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

quote of the day

Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.

Oscar Wilde

Sunday, October 14, 2007

When the heavens open up

I saw traces of what was probably an amazing sunset today. I only say probably because I didn't actually see the sun. I left my office to go get a snack and it looked like the sky had opened up a window to the heavens. I felt like it was the kind of place i wished i could go closer to or maybe even live in. I thought of my friend maddy in italy and wondered if she saw the same sunset. Then i had the thought that this magical gateway could be viewed as a reflection of this world and that all of the beauty and magic i was thinking was in another world was actually in this world and the sunset was just here to remind of of that.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Back to work

After two and a half grueling days of being sick, i made it back to work. Yipee! It was actually really nice to join the ranks of the living:-) I'm slowly getting an appetite back and the color is coming back to my face too. Thanks to everyone that wished me healthy thoughts.