Monday, January 21, 2008

catching up

So much to blog about. Where do I start? I've painted again. I was on a bit of a break and then I painted 4 more. Some I like, some not so much. Its really fun to paint though and I love it when I make something beautiful. I was painting in the park near my house over the weekend. I took my dog shimshon and set up my paints and brushes in the sun and sent to work. I was a bit self conscious because I wasn't so impressed with the painting I was doing. Nonetheless, I finished it and came home. Once home I did 3 more and I was happier with those.

What else? it's been fucking cold here. good lord! I guess it is the time of year for that after all but damn. There isn't a lot to do when its so cold. You don't really go on walks or hang outside. Almost everyday I retreat home to cook dinner, maybe watch a movie and that's it. I feel a bit like a hibernating bear waiting for spring. Its been so cold I haven't surfed since in about a month. There haven't been waves which is the only thing that consoles me. Its just to cold. I'm fine in the wetsuit, but my head and feet and hands would be so cold.

Work is going great. I finally feel both like I'm getting to the point I'd wanted to within the career and the company. I really like my job and the industry and I haven't been this happy professionally in a long time. I've been there 6 months and I only now feel like I'm starting to become a professional in the field and that excites me because I know I still have so much more to learn. I'm grateful to be excited about work.

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